=== Virtue / Pinnacle ToolKit === Contributors: britner Tags: Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.1 Stable tag: 2.8 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Custom Portfolio and Shortcode functionality for Virtue and Pinnacle Wordpress Theme == Description == Custom Portfolio and Shortcode functionality for Virtue and Pinnacle Wordpress Theme Not intended to work with any other themes. == Installation == Install the plugin into the `/wp-content/plugins/` folder, and activate it. == Changelog == = 2.8 = * Add fix for some servers not loading correctly. * Add filter to only show slider images on feature templates. = 2.6 = * Fix for checkboxes not saving correctly. * Update security with contact forms. * add custom fields support to portfolio post. = 2.5 = * Fix for older versions of pinnacle = 2.4 = * Fix for older versions of pinnacle = 2.3 = * Admin Gallery update. * New option for lightbox size in gallery = 2.2 = * Big update, move theme metaboxes to plugin. * Add Contact form template to plugin. * Add translation files = 2.1 = * Small gallery update = 2.0 = * Move gallery to plugin. * Add button hover color. = 1.9 = * Fix some video shortcode issues. * Add support for portfolio excerpt. * Add support for pinnacle theme. * 4.0 Support = 1.8 = * Add target option to button shortcode. = 1.7 = * Fix Missing files = 1.6 = * Updates for wordpress 3.9 * Add Youtube and Vimeo Buttons * Add Even/Odd for accordion. = 1.5 = * Update for virtue 2.0 = 1.4 = * Update for virtue 2.0 = 1.3 = * Fix Blank Popup = 1.2 = * Updated code to use ajax. = 1.0 = * Initial Version.